Freejump Stirrups Soft'Up Pro+ KIVF2_OYMX100

$346.15  $75.54

Product details:

Safety stirrups Quick release single branch technology Shock absorbing for both horse & rider New larger grip Quick release that combines safety & comfort FreeJump Soft Up Pro Plus Stirrups have been designed with safety in mind. The latest Soft'Up Pro Plus Stirrups use a single flexible branch on the outside of the stirrups made of Elastollan that is quick to release in the event of a fall. The stirrups flex at the lower inside bend of the stirrup absorbing the shock travelling into the ankles and knees and reduces the shock travelling across the horses back. The extra wide foot plate designed with eight raised metal studs the rider has improved grip and gives the foot a better non slip position. To clean the stirrups, use warm soapy water and a cloth to remove excess dirt. Use an old toothbrush and soapy water to clean the foot plate. Rinse with clean water and allow to dry.